Shady business practices aside, we don’t see any logical reason to get involved with Yellow Pages beyond the free basic listing. According to the pattern of complaints outlined by the Better Business Bureau, people are also complaining about auto-renewals happening after a cancellation has been sent. They’re even being charged through bills from their phone companies (like Telus and Bell). We hear from people who are shocked when they receive bills from Yellow Pages for hundreds or thousands of dollars, and when they call the YP customer service line (if they’re even able to get through), they are told there is nothing to be done because they said yes during a phone call with their rep or signed a contract at some point. For those who do sign a formal contract, an auto-renew clause is buried in the terms and conditions. In addition to selling services that appear to be basically useless because they are expensive and provide little to zero value in terms of ROI, Yellow Pages now gets the people they call into verbally agreeing to contracts without those people necessarily realizing it. Often, those people are asking for us to put them in touch with other people who have commented on this post so they can try to get a lawsuit going. It’s now a whopping nine years later and we still get a handful of emails each month from people who feel they were scammed by Yellow Pages. This post was originally published in 2010. It’s a shady tactic and one that we hope most people see through. We’ve all been victims of FUD - fear, uncertainty, and doubt.